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Class 59....

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Class 59.... Empty Class 59....

Post  Admin Thu Feb 28, 2008 3:03 pm

Class 59 General Motors Co-Co

Built: 1985 (59001/59002/59004) or 1989 (59005) by General Motors, La Grange lllinois, USA or 1990 (59101-59104), 1994 (59201) and (59202-59206 bu General Motors, London, Ontario Canada.

Engine: General Motors 16-645E3C two stroke of 2460kW (3300 h.p) at 904 r.p.m

Main Alternator: General Motors AR11 MLD-D14A

Traction Motors: General Motors D77B

Maximum Tractive Effort: 506 kN (113 550 ibf)

Continuous Tractive Effort: 291 kN (65 300 ibf) at 14.3 m.p.h
Power at rail: 1889 kW (2533 H.P).

Brake Force: 69t.

Weight: 121 t.

Design Speed: 60(*75) m.p.h

Fuel Capactivity: 4546 litres

Train Supply: not equipped

Train Brakes: Air

Dimensions: 21.35 x 2.65 m

Wheel Diameter: 1067 mm

Maximum speed: 60 (75*) m.p.h

RA: 7

Multiple Working: AAR


Class 59/0 Owned by Foster-Yeoman

59002 "Aland J Day"
59004 "Paul A Hammond"
59005 "Kenneth J Painter"
Class 59/1. Owned by Hanson Quarry Products

59101 "Village of Whatley"
59102 "Village of Chantry"
59103 "Village of Mells"
59104 "Village of Great Elm"

Class 59/2 Owned by EWS

59201 "Vale of York"
59202 "Vale Of White Horse"
59203 "Vale of Pickering"
59204 "Vale of Glamorgan
59205 "L Kieth McNair"
59206 "Pride of Ferrybridge"

NOTE: Abbreviations ETC.

H.P "Horse power, How much power the loco has.
EWS. english welsh & scottish railways
Design Speed "The speed the loco was designed to go.
RA. "Route Availabilty depends on the axle load the lighted the axel the higher the RA “this varys between 1-10”

Number of posts : 186
Age : 30
My best train is: : class 156:)
Website: : www.gallerysteven.fotopic.net/ and https://rail-trains.1talk.net/ it's worth the rush!
Registration date : 2008-02-26

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